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Small Rise in Temps, Sunny and Clear Skies
  2011-12-20 10:00 고서령   
Today is not so cold as the other days. In the Seoul area, midday highs will be
around 37 degrees.
Mostly sunny and clear skies across the entire nation. Small rise in temperatures
than yesterday.
Dry conditions are continued to prevail, especially around the east coastal area.
Please be careful not to start a fire.
Lows today will be near 23 in Seoul, 32 in Busan.
The maximum temperatures today will be 37.4 in Seoul, 46.4 in Busan.
According to Kweather forecast, snow or rain is likely on Wednesday across the
country except the east coastal regions.
 Seo Ryeong Ko Reporter [ koseor@onkweather.com ]
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